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01/27/07 5:51 PM

#3118 RE: makesumgravy #3102

How about going public through a reverse merger with a company already making, or about to make money.

Does that ever happen?
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01/28/07 10:36 AM

#3120 RE: makesumgravy #3102

lefty, the ones that are typically apply to a senior xchange. Amex, Nas or Ny. Some that apply to even these are debt laden. A recent IPO that comes to mind was Hertz. Going public to raise cash is one way of getting the public to assume its debt. Hertz had and has PLENTY of DEBT.

Podium is a small developing company. Like so many small private companies that want to expand/grow the best way of doing it is going public. In doing so the companies that come on to the Otc can raise cash without going into debt. To much debt can kill a companies profits from the revenue they generate. It takes them forever to dig out of it. The goal is to become free cash flow as soon as possible. A little free cash flow is better than a mountain of debt. Then build on this.

Podium is presently debt free and a new company. Its clean. It has a small share structure and a small float. Very positive for a small developing company. A responsible Ceo and if you have read his e-mail about Neast he writes for the magazine. Its not just a magazine he wants people to subscribe to he's a part of of it.

If you go to Espn the Xgames in Aspen are being televised. I was watching some of the snowboarding competitions last night.

On Showtime a program was also on last night entitled Re: Sports Evolution. One part of it was Surfing. Ian Walsh is at the top of his game. He was filmed riding a 60ft wave in Maui. Plus other extreme sports like Free Riding. A bicycle sport where riders ride the cliff line of Baha Mexico. One other one was Para Gliding over the Swiss Alps.

My point is that these type of Sports Acitivies have not only a huge number of particpants but followers of these sports as well.

Some are a part of the Olympic games. Surfing and Snowboarding are just 2.

Wave surfing alone is at least a 15 billion dollar industry world wide........3.5 billion right here in the US with more than 10 million surfers worldwide maybe 15mn today....This sport is growing all the time and so are the others that have been mentioned.

Xtreme Sports is not just a trend. These activities are coming on strong. For most it has become as big a part of their lives as participant in Nascar racing. Its what they live for.

Who knows where Jim may take all this in the future but for now its one of a kind. What he is offering to the Public and the Particpants is a Window to view and to read about them and maybe themselves. Catching the particpants with Photos in their Extreme moments.

In addition to this he is offering a line of clothing wear for those who love their particular sport....

Both businesses have little overhead because these items can be sold thru e-commerce, ordered over phone or internet.

Nothing happens overnite but this company is now public and beginning to grow. If the investing public percieves that this is a business with great potential and can be a thriving enterprise the investment dollars will come.

If everyone interest is for just another trade don't look for the Ceo to be a participant in this. Any real Ceo who is thriving to establish a real business will keep his or her focus here and not on the daily activites of the market.

For those working real jobs cannot take the time out for this either. If they did none would have jobs.

These are the real issues here in this sector, seperating the real ones from the ones that are in it just for themselves.

Jim has alot of exposure to the public when we take into consideration that he travels to cover these events when they are taking place and then publishes articles about them.

Another thing that RJ pointed out that the magazine is also used as a vehicle for advertizers. It gives them a platform for marketing their products or services. Glte.