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08/02/21 6:05 PM

#368488 RE: farrell90 #368484

Brilacidin may help stop the epidemic by treating Covid positives regardless of the vaccination status before they become super spreaders.

I agree with everything except this. By the time they are in the hospital getting Brilacdin the torrent of Delta virions will have been shedding like for a week before symptoms bring them to a hospital.

Brilacidin will hopefully cut mortality down to nearly 0 if we can get it to everyone that needs it. As long as COVID stays this infectious with such a long incubation period I think we'll be battling waves of it for some time to come.

The more evidence that comes in suggesting this was man-made, the less likely nature is going to be able to clean it up.



08/03/21 6:47 AM

#368518 RE: farrell90 #368484

If the vaccinated require treatment with B in addition to the unvaccinated, the market potential of B is much larger than many of us were thinking.


08/11/21 2:05 PM

#369965 RE: farrell90 #368484

"The developer of the AstraZeneca shot says the Delta variant has made herd immunity impossible because vaccinated people can still transmit the virus."

