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08/02/21 5:47 PM

#84517 RE: Timetravelerdos #84514

COVID-19 vaccines are very effective

By those who get it!!

As for those who don't get it ....

Unvaccinated Covid-19 patients are filling up hospitals, putting the care of others at risk, doctors say


08/02/21 10:16 PM

#84525 RE: Timetravelerdos #84514

Read sharkys message again. It said vaccine death rate.

If that was the question, my response was the source disproving that.

Also. I know very well about vaccine and efficacy.

That’s why it’s 93-95% effective (and a little lower with JnJ). The Chinese vaccine is in the 50-70% range.

Never said it was 100%. BUT vaccines themselves slow and stop the spread and ability to mutate by actually stopping with with the numbers it is effective on.


Vaccines work. Death rate is going up for the unvaccinated. And it’s those who are allowing this to mutate further and increase chances of the next round of mutations. How many vaccines have been administered world wide ? And how many deaths from them ?? Tell me again that it’s not safe and effective ? Because the data is right there that says otherwise.