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07/31/21 10:19 AM

#2981 RE: JJAAMMAANN #2980


If it suppose to go as per your post then why did the whole dosing change over time.Originally 300 patients, 21 days- 4 pills one admitted needed for hospital.....Now look at the changes from 300 to less, 21 days went to 14 , 50 get the picture.I am trying to figure out who actually had the most 'think' or group 'think' as to the new dosing was told this morning to look for another change before we actually start...So,I really don't know who is calling the shots on the design..We might not ever know for certain...Maybe they will decide to take in say 50 Delta variant patients too.....So we can blow the Tempol Trumpet at really loud decibels ;0)

Thanks for your input...Roll