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08/20/01 10:22 AM

#11280 RE: CaseyOne #11279

By: sumdumguy1 $
Reply To: 41542 by BRMC $$$ Monday, 20 Aug 2001 at 9:54 AM EDT
Post # of 41549

BRMC, thanks for that post.
What people are missing through all this
ruckus over the PP is that SEVU isn't selling anything but stock. If you look at all income from the last 5 Q's you would see stock sales blow away camera sales.
The cameras aren't selling, PERIOD.
What has the new management done ? NOTHING....
If these clowns were being paid on a performance basis,
they would have been history a long time ago.

Once again, The lack of sales has be attributed to
the inability to mass produce.
We have heard that the last 6 quarters, going on 2 years.

If BRMC's post is right, SEVU sold a measily 185 thousand in Product.

Broken down into category $185,000 in Secureviews is only
475 units x $400 per.
About the same in B&W marine cameras
475 units X $400 roughly 185,000.
It would be interesting to see if ANY Secureviews were sold.
With a four man crew(existing)in house, and a 9 million dollar backlog, they can and should have made 300 units a week in house.
If they started in june they should have made and shipped at least 900 units in house, in one month, June, doubling the reported Potential sales of 475 units for THREE MONTHS.
Not to mention August which is almost over.
This is what intelligent companies do to make money,
they manufactor and sell a product. NOT continuos PP's.

This is assuming SEVU sold any SecureViews,
And there is a 9 mil backlog
and they actually care about producing this product at all.

If all product sales are from Marine cameras, then it is the worst sales Q in the past 5Qs and and must be considered a dismal failure.
I am Sumdumguy


08/20/01 10:56 AM

#11290 RE: CaseyOne #11279

CaseyOne (or should I say Ken or ...),
Another brillant conclusion on your part - please where and when did you learn that capital is considered business revenue? This board has lost nearly all its value over the past days with the amazing amount of mis-truths, guesses presented as fact, poor business logic, etc.

F&G - I 'd have to say that your overall post quality/content/attitude have destroyed all the respect that many of your interested readers/trackers from the past couple of years have built up. You used to appear business oriented and now you've joined bash mania. You must have a personnal mission. Failure of SEVU, if it somehow occurs, will have been partially, at least, at your hands. Maybe it fits your current investment stance. It is so pronounced and out of bounds, IMO, that most serious longs will see that this for its real purpose. IMO the logic presented by the gotine.., dk, TA, and a few others is well worth serious consideration. I'm not a fan of the PP and hope that there will be changes but beyond that issue, it is amazing the junk and lenghts that everyone is going to to "run" the company from IH under a alias. Time will tell - hopefully the actual facts will paint the final scene.

Meanwhile, I'll let many of you get back to all the bashing in bold type....
