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07/30/21 1:57 PM

#9415 RE: sharky #9406

Cancer - $157 Billion Annually...

The survival rate for cancer patients has doubled in the past 40 years, thanks in part to decades of animal research.
Unfortunately, the cost of cancer medications has doubled as well, in just the past four years the total estimated cost has risen to $895 billion annually.

The American Cancer Society (ACS) argues that with dietary changes, increased physical activity and additional screening, roughly two-thirds of all cancer deaths might be prevented.
Animal studies linking cancer to various lifestyle practices – smoking, drinking, a high-fat diet, too much sun exposure, not enough physical activity, among others – may help to increase awareness of how specific lifestyle choices can affect health.

Medolife has completed extensive pre-clinical and clinical research on Escozine® as a potential therapeutic for various types of cancer.