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07/30/21 1:08 PM

#176391 RE: PNW_Ironman #176373

Ironman--Well what guarantee can ANYONE offer??

but a couple of possibles;

#1--Anyone that has used their own money to buy shares would prob be inclined to see that investment grow/succeed don't you think?? Isn't THAT why people buy stock?? Do you have an example of nodder buying stock with his money?? (CEO since 2012)

#2--Anyone that was wanting to help the company succeed--would they try and steal from shareholders--rob the treasury?? Twice there have been "unjust enrichment" lawsuits. Does that make sense??
Couldn't some/all of the C suite take a LOT less in salary and help the financials. Do you really believe a startup biotech CEO should be paid 1$million/year in salary alone?? not to mention warrants,stock,etc?? Do you really believe that sales are so ROBUST we require 2 CFOs'??

#3--This last "for cause" lawsuit--do you believe that helped the company ON ANY LEVEL?? Not only lost and ALL shares were paid OUT--but WE pay a +7$ million penalty. Don't you believe that sort of $$ could be better used to pay light bill/salary/Samsung than enrich pestell??

1 thing I guarantee--these are not actions of ANYONE trying to do what is BEST for our company. Do you believe the "minimal dilution" story?? Here are some FACTS that might make you reconsider--

3X Charm

07/30/21 2:31 PM

#176421 RE: PNW_Ironman #176373

They are large Cydy shareholders. Why did these guys go from being large passive Investors to being activist shareholders? Because something is rotten in the executive office and they want a chance to get LL to market.

So do I and so should all shareholders.

Either Nader is incompetent or he is purposely tanking submissions and trials. Nothing else fits.

The IncellDx, R/S hypotheticals make no sense. Red Hering’s to distract from incompetence of Nader or subterfuge by him and co-conspirators.

It’s not working!

Step back with a rational viewpoint and look at the arguments being made and what makes sense.

LL is great. Anecdotal info is great. HIV trial met endpoints.

Pursuit of closest income indication, HIV is mysteriously put on back burner with no explanation…Failure upon failure for this marvelous drug.

How? Why?

I didn’t see this at firs, but after reviewing NPs history of felonies, failures and lies. There is only 1 of 2 conclusions that fits. Incompetence or cheat ( it could be all of the above). He did steal from us twice already. Perhaps the third time is the charm…