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07/29/21 11:03 AM

#47476 RE: scion #47438

Seth Abramson @SethAbramson This is how far behind most of the country is: the picture below has gone viral today as Americans "discover" that all of Trumpworld knew violence was coming January 6. The investigation of January 6 by independent journalists has moved so far beyond "What did Steve Bannon know?"

3:43 PM · Jul 29, 2021·Twitter for Android


Replying to
Prior to January 6, Trump was provided with a security assessment for the Capitol by the Secret Service, per Reuters. Bannon was Trump's top political advisor post-election according to numerous media outlets. His minions Stockton and Lawrence were working with the Oath Keepers.

Seth Abramson
Every attendee at a Trump "war room" event on January 5 either fled the city or fled the Capitol area either before Trump's speech or just after it. None went to the Capitol. The reason is that all of Trump's inner circle knew violence was coming. And that includes Trump himself.

Seth Abramson
We have video of Proud Boys and even regular Trump voters speaking—on January 5—of storming the Capitol the next day. It was well known amongst those Trump radicals who traveled to DC that the point of the trip was to overrun the Capitol. The idea Bannon alone knew is laughable.

Seth Abramson
I'm not even getting into the chatter the FBI had picked up—all the FBI informants who were actually at the center of the planning of the attack, like Enrique Tarrio and Joe Biggs—I'm just talking about what rank-and-file Trumpists knew, and what was *widely known* in Trumpworld.

Seth Abramson
Obviously I'm glad people are talking about who knew what prior to January 6. I just hope major media understands that—more than 6 months after a domestic terror attack on our Capitol—the fact that *so many* Americans know virtually nothing about it is an indictment of our media.

Seth Abramson
Last night Chris Cuomo of CNN brought on a GOP Tennessee congressman—who spent his time on air arguing in favor of the Big Lie. This is so far removed from major media investigating the meetings of powerful Republicans that preceded January 6 that it's apocalyptically hilarious.

Replying to
Seth, can you explain to me how Steve Bannon's intel was vastly superior to law enforcement's intel?

How is that even possible UNLESS the law enforcement power structure was in on it?

Jackie S
Replying to
When I first saw the “What did Bannon know” tweet this morning, I thought it was a RT from months ago. How is it possible that MSM is just now reporting on this? Does that mean they haven’t reported on the Alex Jones & Ali vids from the days leading up to it ether?


07/30/21 7:06 AM

#47489 RE: scion #47438

Jack Posobiec @JackPosobiec BREAKING: Biden Admin now discussing calling Mike Lindell to testify at J6 Commission following today’s Atlantic article, per WH official

2:53 AM · Jul 30, 2021·Twitter for iPhone



In the time I spent with Mike Lindell, I came to learn that he is affable, devout, philanthropic—and a clear threat to the nation.


07/30/21 9:49 AM

#47497 RE: scion #47438

The Cybersecurity 202: The Trump administration’s top election defender is calling out Republicans who support the 'big lie'

By Joseph Marks
Anchor of The Cybersecurity 202 newsletter
Today at 7:10 a.m. EDT

with Aaron Schaffer

Chris Krebs, who led the federal government’s election security efforts during the Trump administration, yesterday lit into elected Republicans who are still contesting the former president’s defeat.

“This is a power play and this is about fundraising and that’s all this is,” Krebs told my colleague Ellen Nakashima during a Washington Post Live interview.

“Shame on those that continue to push the ‘big lie,’” he said, referring to baseless claims that Trump won the election.

The comments are among the harshest from a former Trump administration official about the continuing efforts to call Joe Biden’s victory into question through dubious and partisan audits in Arizona and elsewhere.

They reflect a growing frustration among officials who spent years ensuring the election was as secure as possible. They're upset the 2020 results are being called into question by people with little or no experience in election security and audits.

In Maricopa County, Ariz., officials conducted two rigorous audits that verified Biden’s victory there. But the GOP-controlled state Senate commissioned yet another audit against the county’s will. The firm leading the audit, Cyber Ninjas, has no auditing experience and its CEO has spread pro-Trump conspiracy theories. Not surprisingly, the result has been a slew of unforced errors and cybersecurity flubs.

Yet officials are pursuing similarly partisan audits in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and elsewhere.

“There are certified, approved audit processes out there. … It's not like audits just fell off the back of a turnip truck,” Krebs said. “We need more of them, in fact, but with a transparent methodological process, not what is happening in Arizona and is threatening to spread to other states.”

Krebs’s former agency, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, helped numerous states shift to more secure election systems with voter paper trails and installed hacking sensors on voting systems across all 50 states. Trump fired him by tweet in November for stating that the election results were legitimate.

Since leaving office, Krebs has warned that the nation needs a far more vigorous cyber defense.

During his conversation with Ellen, he endorsed congressional efforts to require firms in critical sectors to report to the government when they’re hacked.

A bill that’s working its way through Congress would impose such requirements on firms in 16 industries the government deems critical infrastructure, such as energy and chemical firms, airports and water utilities. The bill, sponsored by Sens. Mark Warner (D-Va.), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine), would also impose those requirements on government contractors and cybersecurity firms.

Krebs also urged the government to do more to punish Russia and China for hacks against U.S. infrastructure, which has emerged as a top national security issues following a major Russian hack against SolarWinds, a software supplier, that enabled the theft of troves of data from U.S. government agencies, and the Chinese hack of Microsoft Exchange.

As one way of punching back against China, he suggested imposing sanctions and other restrictions against Chinese firms that benefit from intellectual property and trade secrets that Chinese government hackers steal from foreign firms.

“If China wants to be a full-blown member of the World Trade Organization and participate in the global market, there have to be consequences and repercussions for behaving badly,” he said.

Krebs now runs a consulting firm with former Facebook security executive Alex Stamos.

Krebs also floated the idea of splitting up the Department of Homeland Security, CISA’s parent agency.

Specifically, Krebs suggested dividing the parts of DHS that focus on domestic security and resilience – such as CISA, the Transportation Security Administration and the Federal Emergency Management Agency – from agencies that are focused on immigration and border security, such as Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Such a split would place CISA in a more narrowly focused department with agencies it already cooperates with regularly. CISA and TSA are working together now on a program to impose mandatory cybersecurity requirements on pipelines in the wake of the Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack, which could become a model for other critical infrastructure sectors if Congress gives the government broader authority.

A split like that would have an added benefit of separating CISA’s work, which is almost entirely politically neutral, from DHS’s immigration enforcement work, which has been a partisan lightning rod – especially during the Trump administration.

Such ideas have been floated several times for the department that was famously scraped together from different parts of the federal government after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

“Does DHS reflect our current national security priorities?” Krebs said. “I think a rational evaluator [or] analysts could say it doesn't.”