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07/26/21 12:13 PM

#325143 RE: baldeagle9999 #325105

Thank You for the welcome! Very interesting scenario developing on this stock. The charts,
analytical data, & indicators suggest HHSE might be a perfect vehicle for the Reddit crowd.

Especially those that specialize in short interest.

If I were long here that's the avenue I'd pursue. I imagine they'd LOVE this stock!

+ No dilution
+ Unique & remarkable long-term accumulation

+ Booming entertainment & streaming business
+ Delta-COVID winter looming with more possible lockdowns
+ Incredible lifelong commitment to the industry. Relevant work experience. And seemingly passionate CEO
whose dedicated his ENTIRE academic & professional career to the industry


Comparative Chart Data:

Streaming Growth Prospects:

Boom in retail Penny Stock interest, buying up 2,000%:

Short data analysis: