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07/23/21 9:29 PM

#58602 RE: U GOT TRUMPED #58601

You can get free plus one coins here and add to any ihub post or this $MSMY DD post w/ interview easily, takes 10m to get 75

DOESNT works on mobile, needs to be on desktop or laptop computer.

Hoping to spread this interview around far and wide here, people need to see it!


07/23/21 9:40 PM

#58603 RE: U GOT TRUMPED #58601

I just cannot believe after watching this video people were willing to sell cheap, I am not complaining because some of us were able to pick some up but come on, I am baffled these must mindless flippers that have no clue what the company is doing and only looking at the stock price and trying to flip small movements.

Eyes are on us and soon these dips will be history.


07/25/21 10:26 PM

#58688 RE: U GOT TRUMPED #58601

Nice bud, thanks for sharing! MSMY