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07/22/21 8:05 PM

#42404 RE: jeffryer1 #42403

I just give my opinion. I'm just a regular guy who works in a pawn shop. I don't know what's going to happen but can't make sense of why they would offer 8 million and not pay it? What's the point! I don't represent any Company and I have no credibility to begin with, just an opinion like everyone else. The only thing I can say as to how long it's been taking is, that maybe they're not in a huge hurry to pay us because their normal business is operation same as usual! We'll see, I hope I'm right, but I might not be, IDK


07/22/21 8:39 PM

#42407 RE: jeffryer1 #42403

Your not going to have to wait much longer I promise you that. When they contact me ill have one of 3 statements they screwed us and there's nothing we can do, here's the attorneys number I'm taking these a/h to court or its legit and we have to be patient.


07/22/21 8:59 PM

#42409 RE: jeffryer1 #42403

I’m hopeful with everything I’ve heard and researched here. No company comes back with a promise like this after 2 years of a sec suspension/self revoking. As I stated before, if the intentions were to run with money why post on the website anything? It’s still posted there for all to see. I’m also not here for credibility. I’m here because I hold a boat load of shares in LAHO and MSSV and choose the glass is half full route. I’m not here to sway anyone’s opinions here. Only to state mine based on things I know here. With that said, I’m very confident.