Great question Kwing! Honestly a little surprised they closed it below .0014. With that said, because they did I seriously think they are close to finishing up selling, and or news is getting close to hitting, or both in conjunction. There seems to be in question if this is toxic debt from a loan or byoc raising money, I'm my opinion it is irrelevant, byoc isn't in a position to have a lender known for ruining small companies selling debt. Imo this has been one of the longest, slowest, and controlled dilution run I've been in, and I've been in a shit load. There is little question either the company or debtor is selling hundreds of millions of shares if they wanted to plunge this to .0006 by just unloading they would have already. October is just over 2 months away where someone put down a mil and can't sell for 6 months/that's Oct 4th I believe, and can't sell under .01. Something is coming and timing is what's this is about, and it almost always is. As for tomorrow, best guess is another above avg volume day, I suspect we play .0012 to .0014 where the m wants us to be. Always remember this is a game of manipulation, large players are buying at this level heavy, they know what's coming, insiders know what's coming, "smart $$ knows what's coming. You buy when everyone else is sitting themselves, do what's hard and you'll more times than not be right, gltua, BYOC