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07/22/21 1:27 PM

#40288 RE: lucmariepierre #40287

Not at all! Did you see how Quickly & Easily for this hidden gem to create previous New 52-week-high 0.0035 (on May 13) from 0.0003 (on May 11) within just a Single day?

As I can tell NOTHING above current ask 0.0004 till the next ask 0.01!

NBVG is at Hyper Oversold status --- from 0.0053 to 0.0002 within just several weeks!

It is also Extremely Undervalued now comparing to its peers (such as NOHO)!

Buying its peer (NOHO: 10B shares Giant OS) at 52-week-high 0.0038 = buying NBVG at 0.0065 which is 15.25 Times of current ridiculous low price 0.0004!

So NBVG is Much Much Much Cheaper than NOHO now!