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07/20/21 6:07 PM

#20208 RE: peterpanwasjusthere #20201

you know....regarding peterpan

The man brought damn good technical insight
Some of the items he briought up - noone else had
He asked for input, and when I saw this I wish I could have. But do not have the knowledge base. I was hoping someone might respond to him rather than put him on the cross for bringing issues up.

He posted timely posts, albiet often with a critical word, but he was no was a basher. He did not send out one line SIRC put downs everyday for the hell of sending out putdowns everyday. If the man had a thought, he sent out knowledge to us.

He laid many items out for us - brought up many facets to this puzzle - which many "layman" (such as me) would haver a tough time even realizing.

Having him as a valued resource, I really do not appreciate how he was treated....pushed out, humiliated for his efforts and asked to check out at the door. Shame on us.

This is the last I'll say on the matter

Good day - and long SIRC


07/23/21 1:59 AM

#20296 RE: peterpanwasjusthere #20201

Lol, I see you're well on your way to being tarred and feathered here. This is what you get for trying to kickstart some meaningful conversation. Most of these boards want nothing of the sort. I can barely stomach visiting this one, much less engaging.

The huge overhang of convertible instruments into common shares here should be a primary concern for everyone invested. Listen to this man. If you're going long here, then you better be actively working to keep your cost-basis low and bringing extra snacks for a long ride.


07/23/21 6:55 AM

#20301 RE: peterpanwasjusthere #20201

You send Mixed messages Peter. Feel free to Keep talking about all the problems you see, but also try to throw in the occasional post about the good things you see as well and you’ll be fine. All your posts are pointing out what you deem to be the severe problems with the stock and then you follow it up with “Long Sirc” and you’re supposedly still buying up shares. Are you married? Do you love your wife? Throw out a compliment to her every once in awhile rather than simply constantly pointing out all her deficiencies and assuming that the fact you’re married to her is enough proof that you care about her lol. For those of us making a decision on 3 courses of action Buy, Hold or Sell, your posts scream “Be scared! Be ready to Sell!” , but then you’re supposedly buying and you finish your message with “Long SIRC”. It leaves a bad taste in peoples mouths, I guess. Like I said, I’m in a fantastic position to hold right now so my decisions is easy and not at all based on anything you say, but your messages could seem confusing and perhaps feel a bit hypocritical for people who are on the fence or who are struggling through holding shares they purchased at higher prices.