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07/19/21 1:16 PM

#20068 RE: STACKINHUNDOES #20067

In order to get approved to uplist to the QB, the three remaining convertible notes (what some would consider "toxic" convertible notes) from 2017 & 2018 issued to Steve Weir, Granite Global, and Jefferson Street (per Schedule B in the recent filing) would likely have to be fully converted to stock, which with some arm twisting from Massey, could very well have happened by now or could be imminent. It's not a lot of shares.

For those that suggest I am short or have been shorting SIRC, thanks for the good laugh. I do not short stocks generally and certainly not penny stocks below a buck (or three). That strategy is a high risk death sentence for individual retail investors. I do my best to stay away from giving price predictions unlike many folks here, and I'm not in cahoots or aligned with any convertible note or warrant holder who may be selling or accumulating on the other side of the ledger. As I've stated many times - I am most definitely not interested in impacting or influencing anyone's investment decisions. Take my speculative discussions of the facts and data as I see them as an attempt to gain a more complete and fuller understanding of SIRC, or don't. It does not matter to me. My objective is to build the most effective and accurate underwriting model re SIRC stock for myself that I possibly can, and there is a lot of onion layer peeling and unpacking which needs to occur with SIRC given its history.

I'm still waiting for someone to engage with me on the numbers that I've highlighted over the past few days, but folks appear to just want to focus on the easy stuff with their pom poms waving if full throttle mode. That's fine, and I accept that I won't get much help on this board in pursuing my objectives. The wave of selling that began in SIRC around June 10th likely had a lot to do with the conversion of the notes and exercise of warrants for ~47 million shares (assuming a large chuck of these were unrestricted shares) beginning on 6/1/21 (per note #13 in the filing). Based on my math I think we should be close to the end of this selling wave - although I still cannot assess the full risk of the remaining basket of restricted shares issued which may have lapsed to unrestricted status and could be sold as well. I certainly hope Massey doesn't disappoint this evening. I am cautiously optimistic.