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07/16/21 2:00 AM

#174626 RE: Grip it and Sip It #174621

"But one must remember, all the info is in front of your nose. The SEC filings, the failed tests, the RTF, the FDA rebuke, the untruths about impending success. So, when this goes bankrupt, and it WILL go bankrupt, please promise you won’t complain or blame anyone else."

These same people jump and sing about no dilution--"we don't dilute shareholders"--"meenimal dilution"
yet the numbers are VERY different!!!

LETS VOTE--tired of the lies

humble howard

07/16/21 5:10 AM

#174627 RE: Grip it and Sip It #174621

Good post and it puts things in perspective. I might add that Kelly can get rid of NP and bring someone in to sell the company for what he can get. It’s like watching hamsters running on a wheel.


07/16/21 12:52 PM

#174657 RE: Grip it and Sip It #174621

So You don't believe in BLA success?


07/16/21 1:37 PM

#174668 RE: Grip it and Sip It #174621

but but but the science! Trust the science! That FDA letter? that doesn't count! The failed CD10? That doesn't count! The failed CD12? That doesn't count! The lack of purchase order? That doesn't count! The rejected BLA? That doesn't count!

The long thesis of CYDY: 'That doesn't count'