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07/16/21 12:21 PM

#18275 RE: oxnous #18272


Jeff Brown is a stock guy with a pretty good record..(not perfect), but pretty good...

He's looking at the current status of the market and he sees 1998- 2001 repeating itself...We have too many "dot coms"; and too few Amazons. The market is gorged on Squares, Door dashes, Zooms and yes.. Netflixes The price/sales ratios of these stocks are crazy high and reminiscent of the stocks before the dot com crash. Brown says that biotechs are sector you should be in. And I agree..

I particularly like BNGO as it has the best genomic technology and are seriously under priced against their older relatives like IlMN who is trading a hundred times the price of BNGO (Bingo) and has inferior technology. Bingo's Saphyr is miles ahead of IllMN in utiliy and can run circles around it. BNGO should soon become SOC (standard of care)
Ilumna by the way is under scrutiny in Europe for anti trust concerns.
No I don't know anything you don't know...

":>) JL