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07/14/21 8:51 AM

#50824 RE: wamuvoodoo #50822

Besides BJs, which I seriously doubt are partnering with us, who are the other large retailers looking forward to your response to my question thank you.

dollar dude

07/14/21 10:04 AM

#50828 RE: wamuvoodoo #50822

Hijacked lmao, look at the chart over the last three months and understand people are calling it how they see it. So far Matt has spent according to him 500k on hearing aids and advertising, what twitter, He might have spent one million dollars on this scam and has dumped on the low side 50 million dollars in shares and the company has $10k . Healthy dilution, you have got to be kidding he obviously is not even trying to sell hearing aids $2000 per month last quarter, i could have done better on Craigslist. As far as capital going into the company the kid is an idiot, who in the hell spends $12k per month on rent, and pays HIMSELF and his MOMMY over 300k each, on a start up when with the small amount of business he is doing he could do it out of his closet.That ladies and gentlemen is a big fk you to investors. I dare anyone to take all of the current information on INND to a real investor, broker and ask their opinion. bwahahaha a person would get laughed out the door. How about Matt post a pic of his house and cars he drives, lets see the sacrifice this shit show ceo is making to start up a company. By the way hows that pps doing today??????? Average 5-8% down everyday, dumping on investors for those salaries, houses and cars.You do not have to be very smart to see the facts just take off the wishing well rose colored glasses.