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07/13/21 8:35 AM

#1628 RE: makinezmoney #1627

$HEPA I will be adding when market opens.


07/14/21 6:21 AM

#1646 RE: makinezmoney #1627

$HEPA from a poster @ ST

Hepion will not get a quorum, because they refuse to say why they want 400m authorized shares, when they only have a $350m shelf.

Only a lunatic would go along with that, without being told anything at all about Hepion's plans.

Simple f'n math says that to exhaust that shelf you'd have to sell the 400m shares at about 87 cents each, unless they plan to exhaust the shelf and have a lot of the 400m left over, but they refuse to say that.

They refuse to talk about anything at all, but they're asking for a vote? A blind f'n vote? Who the hell is going to go along with that bullshit?
Screw that. It's f'n nuts!

Sure, they have bigger plans for CRV431, and the addition of a molecule to the pipeline, and those value drivers ought to translate to big gains in the stock price, but not if hundreds of millions of shares are issued at this severely retarded price.



07/14/21 7:37 AM

#1651 RE: makinezmoney #1627

Good DD from the best "Fress"...

Lots of announcements from companies today about presentations at the upcoming EASL conference. Hepion will almost certainly be presenting something there, too. If so, we'll see whether they announce it tomorrow morning, or do like they did with the EASL presentation last August, with the PR on the same day as the presentation of CRV431 P1 results.

HEPA CRV431 is the most optimal antifibrotic drug in the clinic. The wide array of applications this drug can be used for can make HEPA 50- 100 Billion dollar company in the next 5 year years. No FDA approved drugs for NASH

The International Liver Congress 2021 will begin on Wednesday June 23 and ends on Saturday, June 26 2021

NASH is 35 Billion dollar market that will near 100 Billion next 5-10 years.

Hepion - Page S321

Background and aims:The canonical experimental models (i.e. cellculture and rodents) for the study of Alcohol-related Liver Diseases(ALD) present limitations which impede the advancement of noveltherapies, particularly the difficulty in recapitulating the spectrum of pathological manifestations associated with the development/pro-gression of ALD in humans including steatosis, inflammation, hepatotoxicity, fibrosis and cirrhosis. The need to overcome this barrier to drug development underpins the current study. We describe the development of an immunocompetent ex-vivo humanmodel of ALD based on the culture of Precision Cut Liver Slices (PCLS)and their direct application for the assessment of the the Therapeutic effects of the cyclophilin inhibitor, CRV431.Method:Tumour-free liver specimens (‘healthy’or cirrhotic) we recollected from patients (n = 22) undergoing resection of livermetastasis. PCLS were made from the resected tissue, cultured forup to 5 days, and exposed to hepatotoxic insults: ethanol 50–250 mM, oleic/linoleic acids 0.1 mM, and LPS 10 µg/ml. The thera-peutic effects of 5 µM CRV431 were studied for the duration of theculture. Viability and cell death were evaluated by histology,cytokeratin 18 release, and ATP content. Steatosis was evaluated byOil-Red-O staining. Fibrosis was measured by gene expression,secretion and histology. Inflammatory cytokines were quantified byluminex. Mitochondrial fitness was evaluated by functional andmorphological assays.Results:The exposure of PCLS to ethanol for increasing time periods(up to 5 days) could mimic the clinical features of ALD. Early ethanolexposure was characterised by low overall cell death but increasedmitochondrial alterations. The addition of fatty acids and an acuteinflammatory hit (LPS) promoted steatohepatitis, inflammatorycytokine production and fibrosis. The cirrhotic PCLS were used toinvestigate tissue architecture and fibrotic processes in the context oflate stage chronic disease. PCLS treated with CRV431 maintainedgood viability, mitochondrial function, and low apoptosis over theculture duration. CRV431 also tempered inflammation in thepresence of LPS and induced a dramatic decrease in gene expressionand deposition of Collagen and Timp-1.Conclusion:In summary, we have developed a versatile immuno-competent platform which can reliably recapitulate the clinicalfeatures of ALD and have shown that it can be effectivelyemployed toassess the efficacy of novel immunomodulatory and anti-fibrotictherapeutic agents.PO-2331Past hospital contacts due to alcohol do not predict fibrosis stagein alcohol-related liver disease. A study of alcohol diagnoses andmorbidity in 18 years leading up to biopsy-proven liver fibrosis in462 patientsDitlev Rasmussen1, Maria Kjærgaard1, Katrine Prier Lindvig1,Mads Israelsen1, Kathrine Thorhauge1, Nikkolaj Christian Torp1,Stine Johansen1, Sönke Detlefsen2, Aleksander Krag1, Maja Thiele1.1Odense University Hospital, Departnemt of Gastroenterology andHepatology;2Odense University Hospital, Department of Pathology,DenmarkEmail: and aims:Decompensated alcohol-related liver diseaseis preceded by several years of excessive drinking. Hospital contactsforalcohol problems are potential opportunities forearly detection ofcirrhosis. We aimed to investigate whether patients with biopsy-proven severe fibrosis and cirrhosis had more past hospital contactsdue to alcohol than alcohol-overusing patients with significant or minimal fibrosis.

Phase 2A data on CRV431 225mg between next week and the end of June. Last year they announced the day before the conference they where presenting. And as well as inclusion into Russell index!!

Phase CRV431 2A preliminary conclusions:
1.Reduction in transaminases at 28 days signals early efficacy in F2/F3 NASH subjects.

2.CRV431 in NASH Phase 2a Preliminary ConclusionsReduction in transaminases at 28 days signals early efficacy in F2/F3 NASH subjectsCRV431 concentration predicts reductions in serum alanine transaminase.

3.Trial Simulations suggest greater expected efficacy at 150 mg and 225 mg dose levels.

4.Bioinformatics with AI-POWR?reveal significant interactions with collagen regulating genes.

5.Confirmation of these effects will be fully evaluated using the 225 mg cohort and the final genomic, lipidomic, and biomarker data for a full simulation of the Phase 2b Trial.

AI-POWR™ Confers Strategic Advantages from Clinical Trials to Commercialization: A.Novel drug target selection B.Biomarker selection and validation C.Patient selection (-responder analysis) De-risk clinical trials D.Improve drug development efficiency with cost savings

HEPA molecule CRV431 for NASH is safer than MDGL & AKRO & HEPA Efficacy looks next level. These 2 companies MDGL & AKRO are both Billion dollar plus companies look for HEPA market cap to grow exponentially.

Key take away: In just 28 days at the low dose, HEPA CRV431 results were as good as what Madrigal's P3 lead NASH drug took 12 weeks to accomplish.

June 2021 Hepa Biz Presentation


HEPA Tackling Chronic Liver Disease - CRV431 Mechanism of Action


HEPA website

Nash Phase 2 & 3 Trials by companies in the space: AKRO Akero Therapeutics 1.1 Billion Marketcap 240 Million in cash MDGL Madrigal Pharmaceutical 1.7 Billion Marketcap 300 Million in cash HEPA Hepion Pharmaceuticals 160 Million market cap 120 million in cash