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07/11/21 6:45 PM

#688554 RE: bcde #688546

I noted that is the argument

History and experience show us lifetime is simply too long and too isolated

So maybe 15-20 year terms

enough to let them use their brains with freedom (and pension) but not so long as life


07/12/21 12:09 AM

#688570 RE: bcde #688546

""the counter to life or long term appointments is that they can make decisions free from politics being the main concern"

Oh? When does this new concept begin? LOL!

Remember, in the late 1700s, male life expectancy was only about 38 years so, in theory, a lifelong appointment didn't last too awfully long. Fast forward to modern times, Ruth Vader Ginsburg had been dead for 10 years when they finally declared her dead. She had a stick up her ass to make her sit upright and Sotomayer was throwing her voice.