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07/11/21 9:26 AM

#379317 RE: Da Ghost #379315

an unfair, uneven, false equivalent thought that you have been dumbed down not to think about.


07/11/21 9:36 AM

#379320 RE: Da Ghost #379315

Da Ghost: "Very tolerant of you" LOL, more than you would ever get from a republican!!!!


07/11/21 10:14 AM

#379321 RE: Da Ghost #379315

Clearly, my ass. They don't earn the endorsement of David Duke nor that of the Tiki torch marching assholes chanting the Jews will not replace us.

The alignment of the Parties changed 60 years ago; not all Republicans are bigots but all bigots that vote, vote GOP.

Read again, this time for comprehension.

In his speeches, he apologized for his party's use of the Southern Strategy in the past. When asked about the strategy of using race as an issue to build GOP dominance in the once-Democratic South, Mehlman replied,

Republican candidates often have prospered by ignoring black voters and even by exploiting racial tensions [...] by the '70s and into the '80s and '90s,
the Democratic Party solidified its gains in the African-American community, and we Republicans did not effectively reach out. Some Republicans gave up on winning the African-American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization. I am here today as the Republican chairman to tell you we were wrong.[95][96

They were f'ing wrong, as are you.


07/11/21 1:04 PM

#379330 RE: Da Ghost #379315

And your ignorance is only bypassed by your innate and total loser stock pumps. But like your false equivalent's you perpetuate in lies (redundant, I know but it fits maga's like you) about companies you can't separate yourself from life critical thinking.

The parallels to maga thinking can not be ignored as you create momo on total lies about companies just as you create momo on lies about reality.

Geeze, you can't catch a break. Does it not bother you that you've built your entire being on false narratives? Your personal foundations sit on sewerage?


07/11/21 2:51 PM

#379338 RE: Da Ghost #379315

your post was amazingly ignorant for someone on a political board. The Republicans are mostly made up of Conservatives. How many Conservatives voted for Civil Rights? Do you know? How many voted for Medicaid and Medicare? How many voted for the Voting Rights Act. When one is ignorant of history one shows it like you did by posting shit. Grow the F up