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07/10/21 9:30 AM

#379219 RE: Da Ghost #379216

LOL. Remember the email lady? Only people as full of shit as Trumpanzees have the capacity to lose that shit in great quantities day in and day out.

For example.

June 9, 2014

The Definitive Guide to Every Hillary Clinton Conspiracy Theory (So Far)

From killing cats to faking concussions, all the dastardly deeds attributed to the former secretary of state and first lady.

The CLINTON Body Count

Fostering doubts

Rumor: Various theories hold that former Clinton White House chief of staff Vince Foster didn’t commit suicide in Virginia’s Fort Marcy Park. One posits that he was killed because he was having an affair with Hillary Clinton.
Rumormongers: Former Rep. Dan Burton (R-Ind.) once shot a watermelon (or a pumpkin—it’s unclear) to prove that Foster was shot by someone else.

Accuracy in Media founder Reed Irvine took out an ad in the New York Times to note that the FBI had failed to investigate “semen in Foster’s shorts, blond hair on his T-shirt and trousers and multicolored carpet fibers on all his clothing.” (Bonus: Anne Coulter once joked, “If you attack the Clintons publicly, make sure all your friends know that you are not planning suicide.”)

Ron Brown’s body

Rumor: Commerce Secretary Ron Brown and 34 others were killed in a plane crash orchestrated by the Clintons to prevent him from spilling the beans to special investigators about selling seats on trade missions.

Rumormonger: The Clinton Body Count, a website linking the first family to more than 90 deaths.

Whitewater whitewash

Rumor: After agreeing to cooperate with special investigator Ken Starr, Whitewater partner James McDougal died in prison—allegedly at the hands of Clinton henchmen. “Chalk up another body to Clinton,” as one Rush Limbaugh caller put it. An alternative theory: McDougal faked his death to avoid ratting out his benefactors.

Rumormonger: The Clinton Body Count


Rumor: Former Clinton aide Kathleen Willey alleged that after her cat went missing, a suspicious-looking jogger told her to watch what she said. Then her new cat turned up dead.
Rumormonger: Willey, in the the 2007 pseudo-documentary Hillary: The Movie (which triggered the Citizens United Supreme Court decision).


07/10/21 10:41 AM

#379221 RE: Da Ghost #379216

Pssst ... tell that to your corrupt fatassed orange clown.


07/10/21 6:22 PM

#379274 RE: Da Ghost #379216

Da Ghost, When a racist ex-president's influence has increased numbers of racist candidates running
for political office the GOP has an increasingly racist character. That is a problem for you.


07/10/21 8:46 PM

#379286 RE: Da Ghost #379216

Da Ghost, Duh. CPAC Agenda Shows Trump Still Controls the Republican Party

Now you know. The answer above to your question stands in stark contrast to your 3-decade Clinton attack. Your non-
result there is all the evidence you need to prove that was nothing more than an illegitimate poisoned political attack.