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07/11/21 2:31 AM

#27663 RE: Spartanfan1 #27636

Where is the image of the so-called Bourque Industries official update ?

First, it's not on the OTC or any other financial website.

Second, it not on Bourque Industries official web site, as follows.

Third, It was not made public by John Bourque on his official Twitter sites.

Lets follow the path of the "Proof" you supplied.

To: gotmilk
From: Spartanfan1
Proof- because you’ll ask for it



Looks as if it resides on

But oops, no.

It's a copy of an image located on another web site.

On a subdomain, yes.
Not on any affiliated web site of Bourque Industries or John Bourque .
Not on any financial web site.

It's here.

What is this?

The subdomain is Twitter's image-hosting domain.
PBS stands for “Photo Blobstore.”
Question: What is Twimg used for?
Answer: “Twimg” stands for “Twitter imaging” and is used to sequester photos and graphics
determined to come from suspicious sources.

So the origin of the image came from suspicious sources.

Once again,
Not from any financial web site.
Not from Bourque Industries official web site.
Not from a Bourque Industries or John Bourque affiliated web site.

Did Bourque Industries (John Bourque) put out this official company information for public viewing ?

Answer: Nope, as in no proof it did.