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01/25/07 7:13 AM

#28171 RE: Tradermask #28169

Exactly. Although I don't have the millions some "claim" to have, I am riding freebies. Protect your investment.


01/25/07 7:19 AM

#28172 RE: Tradermask #28169

I cant argue with your strategy it works and if I was big penny trader thats what I would probably do. So far I've managed to turn 4 pennies into 2.4 pennies as of yesterday. I do think this is not your typical penny and like me posts earlier will probably be my last becuase of the MM maniputlation and other issues. This stock is not going to .01 and if your investing time frame is in months not hours I think you can ride this thing into some nice returns. IMHO

I don't understand why so many people have the need to save me from myself? If I was a smoker would you be putting this much effort into saving my lungs?


01/25/07 7:29 AM

#28174 RE: Tradermask #28169

one other thing people are forgettting. I'm sure FCCN has huge loss carry forwards. As profits roll in from AERO the will be able to take advantage of those. IMHO

Does anyone know how much FCCN lost>


01/25/07 8:03 AM

#28176 RE: Tradermask #28169

Sure its buy low and sell higher... simple no reason to second guess that, but everyones situation is different with that and often we get caught in a trading range and need to wait and not sell.

I believe that there ought to be some shining stars here in the pinks that have pps curves which behave far better than the others and this fact along with meeting all filing requirements would give all investors an obvious choice of YES when asked whether the stock should move to a higher board like the Nasdaq, Amex, or NYSE.

If you profit take its smart but if you believed in the stock you would leave some in to watch it go higher.