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07/07/21 4:07 PM

#470 RE: Perfectson #469

Read it again. It simply says that when they received let's say HEX as payment for an invoice of let's say $10,000, no matter what the cost was at any other point in time when they received the funds or what the cost was on any particular exchange, they recorded the cost basis of the HEX they received at the "definitive agreement" of the invoice amount (i.e. $10,000). When the transaction (sale) of the HEX occurred, they would use that cost basis for calculating their crypto sale revenue or loss posted on that transaction (sale) date.

As for the consulting and services revenue, $10,000 would have been recorded there on the date of the invoice and $10,000 would be added to accounts receivable until payment was received.

The quote doesn't say where the revenue or loss from the (cryto sale) transactions was recorded. I have shown you in post #463 that it was recorded as "Crypto Asset Sales Revenue". What seems to confuse you is that they only show $61,000 in that category. While they only show crypto sales revenue of $61,000, if you look at their balance sheet their crypto assets (e.g. HEX) grew from $123,000 to $2,073,000 last quarter. In other words, they received the HEX and didn't sell it. Hence no crypto sales revenue occurred, only asset growth. We also have no indication here of how much crypto was sold at a loss or written off as unsaleable and thus offset any gains.