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07/07/21 12:05 AM

#73380 RE: M_Ms #73378

He can't deliver the audit as promised now...

Sycamore Entertainment Group Inc
@sycamorefilms Jul 3
Last week was an extreamly productive and exciting week. Some of it hit the press before we're done, however, important others have noticed the hard work going on behind the scenes. I can't wait to share. Yes, I will deliver the audit as promised. New content?? Of course... $SEGI

The audit did not get delivered in June as he tweeted it would be.
(He still doesn't know how to use spell check/Still very unprofessional)
He has already missed several of his own self-imposed deadlines. In my book, Ed is a pathological liar. In my opinion he suffers from manic depressive disorder.

I have reaped from his manic side in a pretty big way, so I can't be to hard on the guy. I have made a lot of money from SEGI. The opportunity was there and I took it.

But I am an informed investor. I have liquidated my shares except for what I am willing to lose in case I am wrong. If I am wrong, I will still make a lot more money from SEGI, if I am right I will only be losing a fraction of what I have already made.

I hope the best and hope what I am hearing is BS for the SEGI bull friends I have made here. I want you all to do well. But you all (bulls and bears alike) know Ed has a consistent reputation and his deals go south and are never heard from again.

I have heard things that if proven true, will likely put an end to Eddie's lifestyle as he now knows it. I am not sure he is even aware of what he is going to be held accountable for. If what I am hearing is true, it will be easy to prove he is obviously deceiving investors.

For all my friends out there that are die hard trust Eddie fans, I hope what I am hearing is BS and that Eddie comes through for you.

$SEGInation, is Eddie real?, you decide and make your own decisions. It is obvious to me, nobody truly knows, because he hasn't been arrested yet and because he hasn't done what he said he is doing yet.

Truth wins every time! It bubbles to the top!

Bored and Fed up...I am going to look for my gr8fx somewhere else. :-)


07/07/21 5:28 AM

#73381 RE: M_Ms #73378

I always wondered what Ed means with hard work. Waking up at 9 instead of 10 AM?

I would have given him the benefit of the doubt if he did not make so many promises that he never kept and failed to deliver on the main topics.

Too bad, the potential was really there. Now I see it drop far below a penny without real progress being made. It's dragging too long already without significant developments.


07/07/21 9:33 AM

#73383 RE: M_Ms #73378

Thanks, I didn't see that tweet on SEGI twitter...