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07/02/21 3:19 PM

#14803 RE: tcm55 #14801

You did not answer ANY of the fundamental questions I asked you. Instead, you deflected to other “stuff” which includes pointing the finger at me, not management for having long standing problems.


claim of the CEO lying may be slander and if he did it would be dumb but very had to prove

The CEO being dumb is something I do not disagree with at all. As far as "slander" goes...yesterday it was the word "vile". I've addressed the word "vile" and asked you if what the CEO has done (lied to shareholders) is something you consider as vile. You didn't answer the question. As to "slander'. Yeah, bring whatever you got. I plan to stay on the CEO's heels indefinitely since he definitely can't figure out how to reasonably get to data readouts. Lawsuits are a two way street which includes discovery. There's plenty of unanswered questions I'd like to get my hands on. It seems to me, an outfit like Team Cobra would be the last group of flippers looking for a legal fight. They have conflicts of interest that reach to the Depths of Hell - Dante's Inferno. Let's start there for a level of credibility in a court of law.


IF 'team cobra' was scamming or smart they would have had BLO buy the Yost/Breathalyzer through their control. Could have been an easy 'paper' deal. But Kal is a pretty strait, X Cop, IMO.
Your opinion has been well documented.

What I've said all along is nothing new for anyone that’s been here the last few years or longer since the reverse takeover of Breathtec Biomedical. At minimum, Christopher Moreau, the CEO should have gotten either some cash or shares of Cannabix Technologies Inc for the joint effort/sacrifice Breathtec Biomedical shareholders made with helping Cannabix Technologies push the technology forward. Breathtec Biomedical shareholders came away with absolutely nothing for FAIMS and 3+ years of an invisible prototype at Breathtec Biomedical. Management/Directors never produced a single prototype for Breathtec Biomedical shareholders. The reason is because the general consensus was that the prototypes pushed out by Cannabix Technologies were the same primary technology as Breathtec Biomedical. Hence, when you looked at a Cannabix Technologies prototype (alpha, Beta, Beta 2, 3…) you were effectively looking at Breathtec Biomedical as well. What happened in the end days (last gasp) of Breathtec Biomedical was that Dr. Yost had abandoned the project at Breathtec Biomedical on paper - and went to work for our biggest competitor - Owlstone Medical. Just Crazy Shit! Christopher Moreau subsequently dumped the FAIMS agreement not long after having spoon fed (on paper - in black and white) common shareholders that the FAIMS agreement/project was moving forward. Was that a lie? Kulwant Malhi (King Cobra) walked away from all of it with control of well north of 10M shares of Algernon Pharmaceuticals (formerly Breathtec Biomedical) and no compensation to Breathtec Biomedical shareholders for adding value to Cannabix Technologies, not even a thank you letter. Kulwant Malhi remains the President and Director at Cannabix Technologies. Kulwant has screwed shareholders of Algernon Pharmaceuticals from the beginning of Breathtec Biomedical - to its end in name only. Now it’s Algernon Pharmaceuticals he continues to inflict with pain/poison. Kulwant has “managed” to further sully the reputation of Christopher Moreau by having Moreau going to work for Kulwant Malhi at First Responders Technologies. Kulwant Malhi was Christopher’s boss at First Responders Technologies. The two of them (Kulwant & Christopher) even dragged Dr. Mark Williams into that scandalous Conflict Of Interest insanity by employing him as well! Just one big tent circus act. Why not go out and hire your brothers and sisters as well? Oh wait. Did at least one of the Team Cobra members hire their brother? Ohhh brother. Meanwhile, Kulwant Malhi is the #1 individual shareholder of Algernon stock, AND controls the shares of the #1 institutional investor which is Growmax Capital (formerly Growmax Resources). In that capacity he hires Christopher Moreau (CEO @ AP) and Doc Williams (CSO @ AP). NOW HOW THE HELL IS THAT NOT VILE?! Go look at what has since happened to First Responders Technologies. Go look at what is happening at Growmax Capital. 55, are you seriously claiming that Kulwant Malhi is "a pretty straight, X Cop"? If so, you and I will likely never speak the same language on any message board.



P.S. We (common shareholders who posted at BLOZF message board) begged Malhi to not start the Breathtec Biomedical company. We knew it was a blatant conflict of interest and would pit Cannabix Technologies shareholders against Breathtec Biomedical shareholders. That's egg zack lee what happened. The reasonable thing to do would have been to simply go after the medical side under one umbrella at Cannabix Technologies. So, the University Of Florida screwed common shareholders as well. 6+ years later, and the FAIMS technology has yet to prove itself in the marijuana breathalyzer arena. Meanwhile, Kulwant Malhi and company at Cannabix Technologies have enjoyed a rabid fan base within the mj world that keeps the hot air balloon at Cannabix Technologies from crashing to the ground. Anything sub 40 cent USD is a likely buy. They will then heat up the hot air and the balloon will rise back into the dollar(s) range until the hype/hot air cools down again. That's been the formula since day one. At Algernon Pharmaceuticals, Kulwant Malhi has screwed common shareholders Six Ways To Sunday since Day One and it continues under different CEO's - Christopher Moreau being the 4th CEO in 5+ years. The AU/NZ IPF/CC debacle is the #1 biggest screw up to date and the wholesale surrender of the FAIMS technology is the #2 biggest screw ups. Both on Christopher Moreau’s watch. Loud and Clear, I've been calling for a 5th CEO ASAP. A CEO picked by an independent scouting firm with an impeccable reputation. Will that ever happen? Of course not because Team Cobra (Kulwant, RajPaul, Michael, David, Christopher) wants to continue biting common shareholders in the ass-ets in perpetuity - Dante’s Inferno.