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06/30/21 1:58 PM

#687252 RE: The Man With No Name #687229



from current PPS the big gain is in move to PAR

that will happen as it looks like common is going to double digit

and in interim - we could hit ?????????? in a short squeeze while JPS sits and barely moves without squeeze


06/30/21 2:28 PM

#687260 RE: The Man With No Name #687229

Agree. Preferred will see payout via accelerated redemption.

Have a copy of the notice?


06/30/21 2:47 PM

#687267 RE: The Man With No Name #687229

Hey No Name - Congrats on your APA call - It seems like you were the only one who seemed to know what was going on. Cant imagine you were long going into SCOTUS?

What are your thoughts about the CBO White Paper:

This seems to be in line with the Brookings report except I think the Brookings authors would like to see UST cash out earlier and use the money for housing programs - thoughts?

Regarding gibberish - I probably have been the biggest cool aid drinker out there believing in the rule of law and fair and reasonable outcomes. Seems to me that the biggest gibberish came from the likes of Justice Breyer in oral arguments when he said that Conservatorship and Nationalization were two different things.


07/01/21 8:55 PM

#687506 RE: The Man With No Name #687229

Who gets paid first is not important

What is important is that we all see a return in the end. The way
this is shaping up we probably won’t see a penny of real appreciation
for the next 5 years or so.

When these companies get closer to the Capital Req then the investment
here will start to see some solid upwards movement.

Since the courts failed to protect private property rights - I believe the
warrants are the carrot that will set Fannie and Freddie free.

Only the best to all of you.