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06/29/21 4:49 PM

#258 RE: Up/DownTrader #256

The market cap is only 10 million right now. So it doesn't need to be a cure to have further upside IMO. As for the benefits or lack thereof from the treatment, I don't know how to ferret that out from the study they did. It's not great that it lacked a control group, but on the other hand, it was stated that COPD would normally be progressively degenerative and improvement was observed instead of degeneration, so that may mean that simply a lack of the pulmonary function worsening is already a substantive benefit. I'm not a medical expert so I don't know, just saying what seems plausible from my uneducated vantage point.


06/29/21 5:04 PM

#262 RE: Up/DownTrader #256

Then I’d move on if I were you.


06/29/21 7:10 PM

#265 RE: Up/DownTrader #256

I found the filing detailing Todd Wagner's investment:

It looks like he owns over $8m as a 10% owner and hasn't sold any since acquiring the shares in Q3 2020:

Based on this maybe an FDA application is going to be an upcoming catalyst. At least eventually.