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06/26/21 11:40 AM

#20979 RE: money-maker #20966

Yes, I believe it will recover.

Although the news (PR) released recently appeared negatively to many investors, that is temporary IMO. Miguel is still sitting at
the wheel (CEO of AVVH), and we all wanted that. He's the same CEO of GCG.

The KEY question is: Where is the Revenue going to come from? If the PR explained more on the path to revenue for AVVH, then
we would not be talking. Miguel said, they have a new operating strategy. So, their business model is going to change.

Does anyone think Miguel wants to see a downslope with PPS, Not a chance! So, you can expect more and more PR that connects
with investors, because Miguel see's and knows what is happening. I am sure he's prepared to do whatever is necessary to communicate
his intentions and plans going forward.

In the PR, they said.. There are many administrative tasks to accomplish that will take some time, but we will perform these items
as quickly as possible They are SAYING IN THE PR; Investors, we are going to create value for you soon as possible, by making
sure what needs to get done, does soon. They are not going to be lazy about this.

They also said in the PR, The primary purpose of AVVH/Gold Quest Capital, Inc. will be to act as the funder of choice for highly
collateralized real estate first lien notes and real estate investments sourced and originated by the Gold Quest Group, LLC.
AVVH/Gold Quest Capital will also take advantage of select real estate redevelopment projects and is evaluating the possibility
of creating its own integrated properties, including branded hotels and resorts, in the future.

This statement had a LOT to it! (I like the hotel/resort part as well)

What they are saying here is: Collateralized = Highly secured loans. Meaning it provides GQ Group/Capital with security against default
on a loan. This reduces the Risk and can lower interest rates for the customer.

When they say, Sourced and Originated by Gold Quest Group; This is REALLY IMPORTANT and maybe overlooked.

They are saying, GQ Group as before, would have an agent responsibility and handle payments, etc. But, they won't source the funds.
In the past, a loan could be sold to a bank, while GQ Group handled payments, or they could sell the whole loan to a investor/bank etc..
where the management of the loan is handled there.

This is an important point for those curious about the Revenue for AVVH. Gold Quest Group WILL NOT provide the funds, but GQ Capital will..
So no loan from a bank. Because "Gold Quest Capital" will provide the funds. So, GQ Group will retain a minority amount of the loan while,
representing the interests and servicing the loan payments, but GQ Capital is where the revenue / asset will exist. Essentially, they
are selling the loans to GQ Capital, rather than a bank, etc. This would include Re-finance as well. It's just that simple. GQ Capital
will receive majority interest on the loans and some fees I'd expect as well.