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06/26/21 8:15 AM

#18242 RE: jessellivermore #18241

edit...Exosomes and the Cov Viruses..( how AEMD fits into the picture)..

The history of medicine is the history of guesses. Some good some not..

A med school professor once said; The questions in medicine do not change..... Only the answers."

For most on medicine's history therapies were determined by what I call the "peanut butter and jelly" method..

That is you line up 100 monkeys with a disease and you give each of them each something different to eat. If all of the monkeys die except the ones who got peanut butter and jelly..Then peanut butter and jelly was the treatment. Why and how PB and J cured the disease was not important. This method led to numerous mistakes and frequent failures, but had to a world where "science" was more like guessing..

We are getting better and the one positive of these destructive viral pandemics is they do force the medical field to dig deeper into the disease process. And these Cov Viruses are improving our knowledge by forcing medical science to understand how primitive life forms can use the genetic language to bypass all our Pentagon of inflammatory and immune systems. and end of injuring us or killing us. The only saving grace is they force us to understand our inner workings at least as well as these microbes..

The Cov-viruses are pushing medicine and pathophysiology into a new era...
Unlike primitive man we are not threatened by lions and tigers. Instead We are being attacked by by an enemy so small that we couldn't even see them before the electron microscope. They are are puny, but clever and defeat us by the only way they could beat us..and that is to use our arsenal of defense against ourselves..

The viruses are not killing us. We are killing ourselves..The bugs do not eat us. They defeat us in the only way we can be defeated and that is by tricking our our immune, inflammatory and coagulation systems to turned against ourselves..

I am 80 years old...In Nov last year I tested positive for Cov 19..I looked for signs or symptoms of my disease. but honestly even though I am the very highest cohort for serious disease ..Old age with a history of an MI five years ago..and a pulmonary embolus 4 years ago..I only had one day where my temperature was over 100F...a slight runny nose..and that was it..

Why was I let off so easily?...Well its not the virus. Its your own protective systems inflammatory, immune, and coagulation that go after your heart, lungs and most of the rest of your body's tissues. The only possible explanation IMO was my protective systems particularly inflammation was being moderated..The virus was not able to ramp up my inflammatory system...At the time I was taking 4 gms of Vascepa,,a drug which is pure EPA an (omega three) which is known to moderate systemic inflammation..IMO this largely prevented the virus from turning up my inflammatory system to the point it was attacking the host..IE me,,,

I'm not sure whether or not AEMD has a high "Peanut butter and Jelly" factor or whether they are are on the vanguard of medical science studying exosomes Exosomes are cool things..Kind of the body's form of Amazon..They take orders and ship out cargo... They start out as tiny Nano sized hollow bubble like containers in the cytoplasm that can ship things inside and outside of the cell and convey the cargo into other cells. Via the blood stream and the lymphatic system.

Biological particles include not only the viruses themselves, nucleic acid fragments capable of effecting cellular function, including apoptosis...but these active particles must obey the rules of simple chemistry and physics. polar interfaces inhibit non polar transport and vice versa..So the body uses these nano sized particles (exosomes) to solve transportation in the blood stream and across cell membranes.
It appears that viruses also have accounts in these tiny bubbles..They can use them for transportation to other cells..or ship active genetic material which create for both propagation or control of the hosts systems..

Apparently in cases like the Covid viruses they have learned how to use these exosomes to transport not only the viruses but Nucleic acid sequences that can effect host cells..

Exosomes are going to be a very big thing in medicine this century.. though they are not in general circulation in medicine at present..The stock market is difficult to predict as are biotechs. But AEMD has the potential to be something big..If it can hold its postion as a leader in exosome pathophysiology..

":>) JL