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06/25/21 1:36 PM

#22830 RE: vCISO #22829

I disagree, NOTHING is impossible when it comes to this $hit$how....


06/25/21 2:54 PM

#22831 RE: vCISO #22829

CLOK_BOD and Chasteen are busy doing other things

In 5 days, CLOK's 3rd quarter ends. This represents another quarter of mystery and seclusion. I guess its better than lies, innuendoes and outrageous fraud??

Based upon 3/31/2021 10-Q, the Company has probably burned $1.8-$2 million, or $600-$670k a month, or $20k per day in the quarter ending 6/30/2021. $20k PER DAY!!

From 9/30/2020 until 3/31/2021, cash went down $4.4 million!

Last quarter, the Company paid $890k in G&A, but only $31k in Sales/Mktg and $175k in R&D.

There was a $4.1 million reduction in total assets from 9/30/2020 - 3/31/2021. Over the same time period, liabilities went up $500k.

Someone better restrict bank access to CLOK's BOD before they spend all of the money!

clok-em-dead Member Level Friday, 06/25/21 06:42:24 AM
Re: None
Post # 22829
It's impossible to think that Chasteen and Company are just sitting around doing nothing. Chasteen in particular has to be working like crazy. BUT....this is no excuse for not being able to take an hour out of just one day to give us a 30 minute CC. A vocal update would be worth his time and more importantly ours. It's time Mr. Chasteen for you to talk.