I have to disagree with you on this one Howard.
Sharma definitely has his flaws, but overall he has done well.
+stabilized company finances
+stabilized/bolstered company value/share price
+oversaw completion of development of this most commercially promising product line ever
+has been a lot more forthcoming with investors on where the company is at and what they are working on
Tell me how the previous couple CEOs did better.
As for no product, I call complete BS on that claim and you know it. Display engine in HL2 has been proven and acknowledged. IVAS is built on the HL2 platform and Army has commended Microsoft for taking control of the supply chain immediately after we sold a production line to the April 2017 customer, so we are very confident IVAS is using the MVIS display engine also.
Long Range LiDAR (automotive LiDAR) development has been completed and is being evaluated by automakers. MVIS is in a position to be first to market with a Level 3-5 suitable product. I would much rather see us win business based on actual performance rather than talking about non-binding agreements like some of the other LiDAR companies are doing. When it comes right down to it, what good is an agreement if there are no sales associated with it?
As for share price, what do you expect the share price to do before people come to their senses? The trading range for the past month has been $14-22.50 with most of that activity in the $17-21 range. We are still $3.50 above where we were a month ago. When people realize that these are not new authorized shares, but shares that have already been authorized and priced in almost a year ago what do you think will happen? When they realize that these shares are going to institutional investors and not flooding the retail market, what do you think will happen? When they realize this is going to be LESS THAN 8 MILLION shares what do you think will happen?
I am disappointed Howard, in the past you have been a bit critical, but at least displayed the ability to process and understand the available information and make informed comments. Now you are just tossing out the same tired talking points of the paid bashers. I miss the old Howard who at least contributed to the conversation.