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06/19/21 2:19 PM

#12198 RE: Xeroe #12197

Well very interesting post. I sometimes feel that I’ve invested in the emperors new clothes!
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06/19/21 5:07 PM

#12200 RE: Xeroe #12197

Numerous reasons why I liked your response.

Xeroe . . . I liked your response very much for several reasons.

Regarding my questions 1 & 2 about net profits from Helio - you responded in part "PRIVATE companies do not generally post this information and YOU KNOW any investor that is privy to this knowledge through discussions with the co. is bound by NDA not to disclose it. We are not entitled to this info and helio not sharing it is in no way a negative."

That answer would be correct except - in the case of Government taxing issues and and and - in the case where the company is being acquired by a public company. An acquiring public company has to report to its shareholders what they are buying - and that typically includes and requires net profit or loss status for the year prior acquisition and the recent quarterly period prior to acquisition.

Your responses to my question 3 and 4 and 5 on employees I predict will stun or surprise many who own or follow Helio in particular and CYIO in general. A great example is Wodehouse's immediate response after your post "I sometimes feel that I’ve invested in the emperors new clothes!"

For those not familiar with this tale he refers to - "the emperor" paraded down the streets of his kingdom and everyone watching was supposed to cheer and show approval for his new elegant wardrobe choices that taxes had paid for - but the fact was "the emperor" had no clothes on at all - and he didn't know it :-)

Hulk likes to claim I ask many questions but few answers - but then Hulk doesn't seem to understand or look past the most very obvious - he doesn't recognize my goals or purpose. I wanted someone else to corroborate what I had already dug up and inferred several times - because I didn't think people would want to believe me. :-)

Xeroe - you suggested from your study that there was likely 3 employees at Helio now plus Min was Advisory on the Board . . . maybe a contract person at this point (I believed plus advisory board member).

And you listed CYIO as possibly 5 team members (and from my study - at least 2 of them are very recent hires). (and I believe some may be part time and some fulltime.) My studies showed Helio in late 2020 might have been 7 employees with no definition of who or what those 7 were.

My opinion from prior dd and some current dd is the number could be slightly higher as a total than you suggestions - plus a small number of secretarial that could be contract or not.

But my point for quite some time is that what twitter and similar sites and here on this message board - believe in my opinion is they perceived Helio as a far larger operation - possibly 45 to 60 employees and with substantial revenues and solid net profit levels.

The Helio website was developed and funded by an Australian Government grant of $90,000 and what that all included I don't know - but it certainly shows Helio needed the grant to generate and "inspire".

When Helio/CYIO secured the 100 million dollar in credit facility towards lending needs - It appeared to me that is "it" or at least most of "it" - (to me) - not just a small additive to the already large borrowing levels pre-existing. But it was very apparent in the postings by many that they believed it was "extra" - not "the primary funding". And a 100 million in borrowing credit/capital is not nearly as large as it sounds - witness the Propy announced effort relating to

Now like you Xeroe - I've been in business a long time - as owner or key management. One of the first things I learned 40 years ago was how large Insurance companies often viewed their compensation levels. Numerous big names focused on who made up their highest paid employees of their company - 1 salesperson needed to be in the top 5 and 3 of the top 10 needed to be sales related people. And that compensation was earned - not "given" compensation.

Lots of things can be contracted to some extent - but the heart of any succeeding business is not having contracted reps representing and selling your products and services - that part needs to be primarily in-house because that is the heart and soul of sales motivation & momentum - not to mention the creativity needed to spot opportunities other companies don't.

I won't talk about prospects - but I do recognize that our sanitizer/24 products are licensed directly from the inventing organization who does no selling of their own. And there is some really dandy current prospect potential right now that apparently we are not marketing/promoting to . . . but should be doing it in earnest right now . . . and this small category of prospects are quite significant in size of possible purchases.

Now just to be clear if you the reader has gotten down to this point of reading - maybe you're already stunned or surprised that CYIO/Helio is much smaller than you assumed. I believe CYIO has plenty of potential if they do a better job of educating and focus their attention on some needed marketing/sales effort that is not "spin" or "proper wording" to key potentials (both health side and Crypto side. A small business public or private needs to have their sleeves rolled up and phones or keyboards in their hands and educate key prospects. We need more balance - CYIO doesn't need to hide their size - they need to show why their size is critically important to prospects. I used to train businesses - "let your prospects feel your pulse". That means several things - all of them (in my opinion) - important. Its also how small businesses can be compelling to prospects of all sizes.

Xeroe - thanks for showing others your expertise, accuracy and awareness. Some readers will be quite surprised I predict :-)