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06/20/21 1:58 AM

#2082 RE: JohnCM #2081

Aleafia is the only Canadian company I hold at the moment. Im likely going to buy back HighTide once the dust settles from the r/s and uplist. I bailed out of Hiti at $9 ish and it has now dropped to the more reasonable 7 range. Those are the 2 companies at the moment with the most up side in the entire sector. Canada is the size of California. At the moment California is a patchwork that does not see more than 1/2 of the cities and counties allow licenses. Ya, that was news to me, I kept hearing Cali is an unlimited license state, which tho true, doe not include the detail that those unlimited license holders need permission from local authorities to move ahead. This detail leaves Canada as effectively the biggest legal market on the planet. Second movers in Canada (like HighTide and Aleafia) are in the unique position of having blue sky up side without the baggage the big guys had to take on just to get licenses. Hightide has 80 some odd stores and right sized supply chains that span the country. They have none of the impediments the US companies have. They can bank and write off business expenses (not possible in the US under 280e) nor do they have to grow, manufacture, distribute and retail in small state sized areas the way the US companies do. Those points alone warrant having another look at Canada. They are finally opening enough stores to show the growth we knew was possible. Aleafia has the unions in a 10 year contract which is a bonus. I would not touch Canopy, Aurora, Aphria, Tilray or the rest of the Canadian companies with a 10 foot pole but I am loading up on Alieafa and HighTide.
I am also heavy in Hollister and Khiron, TAAT and Ideanomics those companies make up the bulk of my holdings at the moment. I am more of an investor than a trader but I do trade around a core position and TAAT has been very predictable so I have bought and sold it several times. Just my late night musings. I would love to hear feedback and other opinions. I think the US is so dysfunctional they are years away from legalizing and tho there are some companies that are strong , the burden of crazy regulations may well crush the popular MSOs the way it did the big LPs.