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06/18/21 4:09 PM

#148849 RE: billytbone #148845

Is the concept of time the issue here? They tweeted they needed to amend something then 4 hours LATER they said it’s actually all good. Why is this so confusing.


06/18/21 4:22 PM

#148861 RE: billytbone #148845

That was before the tweet I posted.

Here is another one where Ashley agrees that the wording is fine.

Case closed. Nothing needs to be updated.

That person was clutch in clarifying. I can't imagine how busy Ashley was that day. He just wanted to quell the storm of questions and said it would be updated. The persons clarification obviously made him read it again and its all good.


06/20/21 7:50 AM

#148937 RE: billytbone #148845

#DDAmanda Chart on: $RSHN :

You can scan for these before they run.

What the Fact (Factor) Column is:

The Factor is a proprietary indicator used for scanning in #DDAmanda.

It's defined as Today's $Traded divided by the average daily $Traded (20 day avg).

SO, if a stock has say a 10 Factor that day, it means she traded 10 Times the $ she normally trades.

That's significant, and many times indicates that a run in the stock is coming.

Previous Charts: $AMC, $RSHN, $NWBO, $CYDY, $AMRN, $ENZC, $GVSI, $HCMC, $FNMA, $HPIL
