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06/18/21 4:35 PM

#19435 RE: bigworld #19434

Bigworld, Yes, a rough week for both gold/silver and stocks. They seem to move together since when stocks take a dive, the US dollar usually surges, and then gold goes opposite the dollar. Fwiw I picked up a little SLV yesterday, but will see what happens next week. The markets extending their loses going into the close of trading today, which suggests more downside on Monday.

Another thing to worry about is the global spread of the Delta/India variant, which is reportedly up to 40-80% more infectious (see next article). Just curious if you are seeing it yet in the Austin area? Apparently it's been seen in a majority of US states, but so far only 3000 cases reported in the US.

Something else to wonder about is that big 'Cyber Polygon' exercise coming up July 9. Not likely there will be a simultaneous real event, but you never know. The last time that group had an event (Event 201 on Oct 18, 2019) it coincided with the simultaneous appearance of Covid, and with the big athletic event in Wuhan (Military World Games, Oct 18-27). A lot of coincidences.

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06/18/21 6:25 PM

#19437 RE: bigworld #19434

Bigworld, Thanks for posting those Kunstler articles. While there's a good chance he is a quasi Deep State dis-info operative (like Rickards), it's still interesting and useful to read. With Covid, the 'China did it on purpose' idea that Kunstler is floating has become a Deep State pushed narrative among the Alt Right.

The way dis-info works is the purveyor will post 90% good info to gain a following and street cred with the target audience (Alt Right or Alt Left), and then add in the 10% 'gotcha' dis-info part. With Covid, the 'China did it on purpose' narrative steers the discussion away from any notion that the Deep State could have released Covid.

If the Chinese wanted to 'do in' the US/West with a virus, would they release it in their own country? No, they'd release it in the US/Europe. This 'China did it on purpose' narrative has been percolating since last year and it makes no sense other than as a ploy to steer the 'Alt' discussion away from any possible Deep State role.

So if the Chinese didn't 'do it on purpose', the other main possibilities are - 1) it was an accidental leak, or 2) the Deep State released it on purpose, knowing the Wuhan lab would get the blame. If #2, the purpose would presumably be to accelerate the timeline to the dollar crisis to bring in the financial 'Reset' (SDRs), plus the longer term goal of global population reduction.

Another possibility is that the globalists of the US/West and China are working together in a coordinated effort. So the Chinese have been promised control over Asia in the post-Reset world, and have their own overpopulation problem to deal with, and Covid would be a joint exercise.

Still another possibility is that the US/West released what they thought was a race specific virus (anti-Asian), but it flopped. Initially back in early 2020, this race specific bioweapon idea seemed the most plausible (ie the US/West attempt to 'do in' their chief rival China), but since the virus affects all races, this possibility now seems remote.

But plenty of grist for us conspiracy buffs. Let's hope it was just an accidental leak, the world recovers, the vaccines are benign, etc.