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Evil Rabbit

06/17/21 11:13 AM

#170780 RE: cytodyn storm #170778

Is this copy provided by the 13D group for anyone who wants to post it?
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06/17/21 11:35 AM

#170785 RE: cytodyn storm #170778

So, I could be off base, because of several things but these two stand out: I didn’t listen to any of the interviews, I don’t work for the FDA.

That being said, I don’t think the FDA gives two $&@%s about PRs or how a business is run. That’s for among others the SEC. the FDA cares about the drug approval process. Keeping this in mind the whole post smells suspect.
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06/17/21 11:38 AM

#170787 RE: cytodyn storm #170778

Cytodyn Storm,

I listened to Dr Lalezari few times , I really like him,
I know that Dr Lalezari himself said to FDA some things in the past they didn't like to hear, about their approval..

And you saying..

" In the face of a terrible pandemic , and with a therapy that shows great promise and
" does no harm" , the FDA has likely not granted an EUA because they do not respect or trust Nader , or the way he run the business "

If you really believe that people dying , but because FDA don't like Nader they didn't approve life saving drug , then I will think that you be furious with FDA , how corrupted they are , and try to do ALL possible to fight that.

I believe that we not approved because of severe corruption of Dr Fauci and FDA , and especially during this pandemic all this surface..

And I believe they may not care for Dr NP , but they didn't approve the drug because they are paid one way on another by BP not to do it.

So Dr Hahn just got a job in Moderna , Dr Gotlieb in Pfizer etc...
How convenient...

And they just approved drug for Alz , from Biogen..

Drug not showing any CLINICAL significance , met no endpoints and has no p-value.
Since about 30% of patients after monthly infusion developing cerebral edema or/and hemorrhage , MRI need to be done after the treatments to evaluate situation.
And FDA will decide after 9 years of using if they will find something positive for patients with this drug.

Do you think they approved this drug because they like this CEO so much , somehow I believe there are different reasons for it ..

So this how the situation is now in our GREAT USA..And we all should try to do something to change all this terrible corruption.

Right now I am glad we going to a different countries , but even there FDA try to damage us with their hit letter.


And all this is only IMO.

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3X Charm

06/17/21 3:55 PM

#170842 RE: cytodyn storm #170778

100 percent correct. Another year of Nader would like leave CYDY in BK.
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06/17/21 5:23 PM

#170855 RE: cytodyn storm #170778

EVERYTHING Dr Lalezari says on that 5 minute podcast snippet is an indictment of the FDA, NOT Nadar P or Cytodyn.

Are you kidding me, FDA?

Your only job is to HELP SAVE LIVES, and you slow-roll a SAFE, LIFE-SAVING drug because 1. You're not familiar with it's MOA or 2. Cytodyn only has 22 employees or 3. You don't like them putting out as many as two - 2! - PR's a day?

Every FDA bureaucrat who purposely slow-rolled approving LL for AIDS or COVID that resulted in needless suffering and death should be put on trial for manslaughter.

These bureaucrats have 1 job - ONE - and that is to ensure the drugs Americans use are safe and effective. Any other consideration is MOOT, and if the FDA doesn't get that, they have no reason to exist.

My contempt for these bureaucrats grows with every revelation.