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06/16/21 7:14 PM

#166689 RE: Hate Liars #166663

HL, couldn't agree more after watching the video

Do you think the reason we have not heard anything out of PCTL is because of an NDA or CA with the NHS/NTH Solutions/Tutum Health?

Pathisol PCT Annihilyzer... sounds like revenue to me.


06/16/21 7:47 PM

#166690 RE: Hate Liars #166663

HL, re: NHS Video

The machine in the video is certainly The Annhilizer, but it says on the machine, Europe PCT.

Perhaps you can clarify our relationship to Europe PCT. I recall a post here awhile back that PCT sold their 48 shares in Europe PCT to some private investors, leaving us with no shares there--meaning no longer any direct ownership?

What does that mean in terms of our business relationship for sales of The Annhilizer with Europe PCT?

This could be major news given the humungous size of the NHS. Additionally, why no word of any kind from the company on all this?