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06/15/21 10:04 PM

#377451 RE: stock_observer_77 #377449

'Many have seen..' is the equivalent of the orange asshole saying 'many people are saying'.

It is the first refuge of those who don't have jack shit to back up their assertions.
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06/15/21 10:26 PM

#377456 RE: stock_observer_77 #377449

stock_observer_77, You may not have used the word dementia, but you are feeding that attack narrative. The
pertinent point of the article was that the "cognitive issue" you repeatedly put onto Biden does not exist.

"Many have seen Joe
Many know his condition - cognitive decline over the years and getting worse
I did not say he has dementia so not sure why you are bringing that up - though you like to pad someone’s post
And honestly I don’t care what you think.

Yeah. You don't care what any of us think, yet still you are here. Those two positions don't fit together.

You either ignore that or missed it so here for you again

Whether they called it “dementia” or “cognitive decline” or “senile,” in late 2020 and 2021, some media outlets have arrived at the conclusion that President Biden’s problem is “obvious,” when in fact, experts in the field of diagnosing cognitive decline in its various forms — Alzheimer’s and dementia included — know that is just not how it works .. . Off-the-cuff observations of someone speaking are simply not how dementia or other serious cognitive impairment is diagnosed, and beyond that, those familiar with dementia will tell you that such a claim in this case just doesn’t add up .. . Yet, despite repeated fact-checking and dismissal .. , the “Joe Biden has dementia” narrative persists.

And the point i made about why we most picked on Trump, you obviously ignored that.

Bottom line is one, Joe had said for years he is a gaffe machine. Big deal. And two, Joe is not struggling.

Also see again - Joe is struggling.

The only place he is struggling is dealing with corrupt republican obstructionists. Why don't you tell us how often shitgibbon gave press conferences with question and answer periods, other than on his propaganda channel? For very long periods, he didn't even have white house press briefings, unlike the present daily ones; shitgibbon's were limited to who he could get to flat out lie for him. His first press secretary got uncomfortable having to do verifiable lies daily, then Scaramooch who didn't mind lying but only lasted less than two weeks because he got too much attention for the shitgibbon's narcissistic attention whore personality.

Your attacks on biden are ludicrous when put in the context of who he followed. Just shows how little credibility you exhibit in your biden hating.

If Biden were struggling foreign leaders would not be saying such as

And Biden is - Shifting Focus, NATO Views China as a Global Security Challenge

"After G-7, Biden says he’s reestablishing US credibility"


Prime Minister Mario Draghi of Italy spoke for many when he connected this summit with the Group of 7 summit meeting just concluded in Britain and compared them unfavorably with the period of Mr. Trump. “This summit is part of the process of reaffirming, rebuilding the fundamental alliances of the United States,” which were “weakened by the previous administration,” Mr. Draghi said.

And he pointed to Mr. Biden’s similarly important meetings on Tuesday with the leaders of the European Union, which Mr. Trump considered an economic competitor and even a foe. “We are here to reaffirm these alliances, but also to reaffirm the importance of the European Union,” Mr. Draghi said.