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06/15/21 3:48 PM

#18869 RE: GRDOROCKS #18868

Imagine having north of approx 788K shares (includes some of it in my roth) with an ave in the 1.70s currently.

I sleep at night
Although tip this into the 40s, like it did before, and i actually DID THROW-UP twice in the office bathroom the day it fell like 15% into the 40s.

With all respect, I do not believe most everyone here is micromanaging - we really all do not know enough about the day to day and going on behind the scenes to do that. I think most here give the hubble telescope view of the situation, trying to focus this. Frustration lies with the fact that one cannot get a clear focus from that distance.

We are concerned, it is our money -
and this is a wonderful sounding board. We have opinions and experiences. Others have much more knowledge than I have. Personally, I find peterpanwashere extremely loaded up with common sense.

The one thing everyone knows, is what we have in SIRC.
We sense what is within this organization, the new leaders (minus a cfo) and believe it will grow.

As a whole - I am not a day flipper
"most" of my investments fall under long-term capital gains.

However, If i had known i was signing up for a 2-3 year venture with SIRC - and seeing a company grow brick by brick by brick by brick by brick - i doubt i would have placed such a huge stake on this. I saw a payout at the beginning of 2022. And payout I mean decent gain from the 1.80s. I planned on only selling a portion of this after 1 year (before tax time) and to hold most all the rest (HONEST).

Most probably forget - I had stated back 3 or 4 months ago, I believed $5 for SIRC by end-of-year 2021. I recall that post, and many here stated I was being "conservative"