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06/19/21 2:23 PM

#46 RE: KMP46 #45

I'm in a war with shorts! :)

I probably should haves stayed put here, but FORA is not marginable. Wish it had an options market.

This week, it's possible that I'll have 3,000 shares of BB (Blackberry) put to me: 1,000 at strike $14 and 2,000 at strike $12.50. That would bring me up to 4,000 shares of BB at an avg. cost of $2. That's actually my best scenario.

But if it doesn't happen, I need to decide if I come back here or extort more money from my mortal enemies. That decides on FORA's price. I need to come back in at same price I left or lower.

I'm playing with fire, obviously. Living life on the edge here! At least my movie is full of action. I just want this show to start. BUT NOT YET. Can you roll some commercials first? Wait for me!!!