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06/14/21 8:30 AM

#377228 RE: fuagf #377196

I think Jah Wobble found Mother Earth's heartbeat early in his life. And thank you for dat song written for Johnny's old band ;):

 'Public Image', despite what most of the press seemed to misinterpret it to be, is not about the fans at all, it's a slagging of the group I used to be in. It's what I went through from my own group. They never bothered to listen to what I was fucking singing, they don't even know the words to my songs. They never bothered to listen, it was like, 'Here's a tune, write some words to it.' So I did. They never questioned it. I found that offensive, it meant I was literally wasting my time, 'cause if you ain't working with people that are on the same level then you ain't doing anything. The rest of the band and Malcolm never bothered to find out if I could sing, they just took me as an image. It was as basic as that, they really were as dull as that. After a year of it they were going 'Why don't you have your hair this colour this year?' And I was going 'Oh God, a brick wall, I'm fighting a brick wall!' They don't understand even now.[2]

Hey!, the topic was junk science and the religiosity pushing square pegs into round holes so my contribution, lol..
I'm not sure about Schumann either and yes people are so desperate to find meaning anywhere they can they make up shit (or more likely as discussed earlier to consolidate some kind of power for themselves and over others)

As you know, science has a shelf life and more to discover so let's not be too hasty. Think Fritjof Capra still kickin' btw in his "Tao of Physics".. the more we split the atom to find that first base material the more we discover an ever expanding universe of relationships.
U know the heart is an electrical device right?:
 “You’re looking at the total integrated effects of all the electrified weather across the globe,” said Michael Peterson, a staff scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico who has studied the circuit with satellite lightning detectors. “People have described it as the electrical heartbeat of the planet.”

ibleve in the incredible random, fateful and chaotic events that created and sustain our planet and universe
[Albert Camus found great solace in dat blevf, but SNL Coneheads come to mind that make me skeptical of his origins, anyhow.. ;]

ibleve in da natural world that includes the animal specie human. No choice I suppose cuz I'm not from France. Informed by my observations and experience, I'm willing to take a firm position that our planet earth including every last thing (ok, not some of those man-made chemicals that never die) is a simple contributing part of the whole. Not necessarily necessary to it but there. There like u might hear Neil Young say it - "there man". U know - random. But, cuz life is full of paradoxes - all these component parts can and do work together. Here's another weirdness; if you don't have them all co-operating they go extinct. Ok, to bring it down - think whales without plankton. To bring it up again, think Gaia da Organism capital O. Lungs, blood, skeleton, etc,.. 


06/14/21 7:35 PM

#377307 RE: fuagf #377196

Check to see if this works - Public Image (song)

Helps to know what the song is about .. .

Now to try the same video which is still the only one so far not working with the new VPN. Umm the one with the same - Public Image Limited - Public Image (Official Video) - title isn't here on a YouTube search .. .

At least it wasn't seen after scrolling down down down down. And farther down.

Sooo ??????????? who knows, for now why the one in the one .. ..
this post replies to doesn't work for me now when on the VPN whereas all others, so far, do.