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06/12/21 2:12 PM

#21797 RE: BigMoneyChalupa #21795

GOFF Lowest Market Cap of GS Plays & Furthest Along. Just to give you an idea of how crazy undervalued this is, and how it has much more legs to move, it's close to the same O/S as SRN* that has not received custodianship and GOFF has less than half the market cap than that one and a lower PPS and yet GS just showed to be on NVSOS already for GOFF. Pretty crazy.

GOFF Market Cap: 34M, GS stated on twitter on fast track with accountants working on financials to be submitted to OTC Markets. GS already showing on NVSOS. Company considered 100% debt free. 227M OS

GVSI Market Cap: 70M, GS stated on twitter acquired books and records, working to update NVSOS and access to OTC Markets in a couple of weeks. Contempt motion will be dismissed. 2.114B OS Unrestricted

SRNW Market Cap: 63M, GS awaiting to receive custodianship per court docs. Not even confirmed custodianship and already almost highest market cap. 235M OS, Unrestricted 15M.


06/12/21 2:35 PM

#21799 RE: BigMoneyChalupa #21795

It’s the next TSNP...ON STEROIDS!!!


06/12/21 5:24 PM

#21812 RE: BigMoneyChalupa #21795

would not surprise me