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06/11/21 11:24 AM

#59167 RE: amonoy1992 #59162

Most need to keep this in mind as the frustration level increases..
The company is simultaneously changing it's name, ceo, ticker, share structure, legal & accounting teams and ownership. This triggers extra validation steps with most regulatory agencies involved. They have to validate new signatures and identification. Company has to prove ownership and principal officers have to also be validated. This leads to longer than expected processing time as the agencies that normally could swiftly validate people and entities also need their records updated. THIS IS NOT a normal occurrence changing all these variables at once. You add covid to the mix and wrenches can fly in from every direction. This seems to be something that may be overlooked by many here. This is a herculean lift here. You combine that with the fact that this is an emerging team that is not fully in place dealing with all this along with acquisitions and it stands to reason that things will not be perfect. You want perfect then perhaps buying an established company may best be suited for you.. Unfortunately the otc and low prices will not meet that criteria. The more established and the more information you have on a company, the higher the price.. n Patience is required. To expect new mgmt not to incur unforeseen hurdles is not reasonable. Frankly 3 months is an INSANELY small time frame on a corporate scale. That is one quarter. Stop watching the pot boil if it leads you to focus on minute details as validation for your fear of the company faltering. This is an extremely experienced and talented team getting larger by the day that warrants your patience and mine.