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06/07/21 4:41 PM

#16899 RE: EF5$tocks #16896

Yeah, it's a bummer too as it feels like investors for the most part have been patient and given the company the benefit of the doubt. We're not setting some impossible bar to reach as far as the level of communication we're asking for goes, just anything more than what we're currently getting. A while back Zach had mentioned he would be updating the blog frequently, but I have to say the 3-6 months we've been getting has been very underwhelming. Surely they could do more to keep shareholders updated even if it's not a formal PR release.

Perhaps there's opportunity to reach out through social media channels to try to get some answers. The contact us link on their website is broken though, not sure that even comes as a surprise at this point...

I do get the impression a bit that a good amount of people are in this as a bit of a lotto play, holding onto larger positions from a while back. Alot of longs know the potential here and don't want to be sitting on the sidelines the day this takes off. That may be a good and a bad thing though, as you're not seeing huge sell-offs because of that, but on the flip side it's not forcing the company to be super-reactive to the recent trends. Regardless, it's time for management to step-up to the plate and start delivering. It may be a marathon, but even the most out of shape participants still check off mile after mile with some consistency.