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Replies to #66258 on Bible (Bible)


06/07/21 10:20 AM

#66259 RE: plugger #66258

This subject carries me way back in the O.T.---Job, David----temptation was there, they endured, but not instantly.

I'm quite sure we could come up with examples of situations where we are tempted but in that moment say no but satan keeps throwing that situation at us hoping to break us.

I think perfect example would be lust.

Thus ............ if we win sometimes other times our mind goes where it shouldn't till eventually one day we have such a great handle on it to the point where coming after us be waste of time that would be an example of your statement coming true.

I just think over all that decision when tempted has to be immediate as the consequences majority of the time are immediate.

I do believe God blesses us for our obedience.

BTW ............. what disturbs me is NO one else said a word.

Told you this before I'll say it again ...............

I believe you love God big time and I respect your opinion and so happy you share your heart here.

You digging in God's word daily is setting a GREAT example for all of us!

To think that others sat by saying nothing though I don't understand.

If one loves his brother one should point situations out.

Not to lift ones self up as that is a SIN ............ but for BOTH to learn from it and be in unity.