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06/03/21 10:44 PM

#168978 RE: My69Charger #168973

Tedious, Torpedo Leronlimab and its development at ALL COSTS.

Nader - Probably behind on some library book over-due payments as well. (Check local library IMMEDIATELY!!!)

Gawd...and when 69C person catches the covid I guess Remdesivir will do, because there won't be anything else available. Ain't life a bitch - you win and still lose.

Go Leronlimab
It's safe, efficacious, and is gaining acceptance.

Meanwhile, DUCK - here comes some mud


06/03/21 10:59 PM

#168979 RE: My69Charger #168973

You have compiled enough evidence to warrant a frivolous lawsuit. Best to contact the lawyers representing the class action lawsuit to share your findings, if you have enough shares you can be the lead claimant.

Investigate the CEO for a house purchase? Lol


06/04/21 9:23 AM

#169016 RE: My69Charger #168973

The problem is the BOD are all in Nader/Kelly pocket. Not one of them stand up to him or reign them in. Alan is a washed up has been collecting his cash and Jordan owns so much of this he can't afford to question Nader/Kelly. This well crafted letter will go from inbox to deleted faster than CYDY puts out PR'S.


06/04/21 11:26 AM

#169042 RE: My69Charger #168973

You seem concerned. Did you send this to the BOD? To Nader, Kelley, et al? Posting it here and expecting anything to happen is a futile gesture. Each item you cover is also covered by Safe Harbor. Every last item. Reason nothing has come of it, is there is nothing here.

Random posts on an anonymous message board will not result in any change, despite the desire that it would be so. Unless you know personally that NP was paid when he said he didn't take a salary, it is a pure guess.

You should be sending this to legal, or the SEC or to one of the frivolous lawsuit firms. Maybe they can do something with it.

Good luck with that.