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05/30/21 5:10 PM

#375700 RE: Da Kine 17 #375699

Russian Web Brigades...Killing with Misinformation...Guilty too are those that spread it.....


05/30/21 5:16 PM

#375701 RE: Da Kine 17 #375699

The 600K death toll belies your claims, renders them laughable. No flu epidemic has killed that many Americans in a year since 1918.

And it's not about the cost of the vaxxes but rather the need for them.

You get nothing right because you view everything through a conspiracy theory lens and the light that hits your retina is inadequately processed by an untrained mind.

THAT'S what is staggering.


05/30/21 5:19 PM

#375702 RE: Da Kine 17 #375699

Da Kine 17, Deaths: 609,535. Fuck off with your " Covid is NOT a deadly or debilitating disease" bullshit. And don't come back with your false figure crap. Just stop wasting our time with your misinformation

The varients are CAUSED by the vaccines.

and your counterfeit facts, stupid assertions and misguided conspiracy crap

What did ppl do to survive the flu before there were shots?
You have Stockholm syndrome, it’s all you ever known. The new world order is not coming, it’s been here for a long time. You are a slave to the system. It’s YOU who pays for the life styles of the rich and famous. They laugh at you because they think you’re to dumb and brainwashed to figure it out. The resources that are squandered to support the “white collar” welfare state is staggering. You can’t even see it. It’s SURREAL to me...

Talk about strawman. You have at least three in there, including a totally false one regarding "“white collar” welfare state" by which you probably mean corporate welfare which blackhawks and all here are very well aware of.

See also:

The 600K death toll belies your claims, renders them laughable. No flu epidemic has killed that many Americans in a year since 1918.


05/30/21 5:21 PM

#375703 RE: Da Kine 17 #375699

You pull this out of your ass? - you state: Covid is NOT a deadly or debilitating disease... 99.5% of the ppl who get it recover with no issues. In the end Covid is not any more deadly than the flu virus.

Currently the death rate is 2%

Cases that had an outcome: 28,448,831

Deaths: 609,539

death rate 2.142%


05/30/21 5:22 PM

#375704 RE: Da Kine 17 #375699

Covid is NOT a deadly or debilitating disease...

Tell it to the dead idiot.

Covid 19 vaccines were developed by the same group of ppl who likely created the covid virus.

Likely? You really are an idiot.

Yeah it was a plot to make a lot of money.

I don’t approve of this dangerous and unnecessary use of my tax dollars.

Simple dumbass do the math and refuse to pay taxes on the portion that you think you don't owe.

BTW dumb ass Trump said the virus would be gone by a year ago last Easter.

How the fuck did that work out.

Every village needs a useless idiot. You're elected.


05/30/21 7:42 PM

#375724 RE: Da Kine 17 #375699

mr/ms Da-sheepie poopie robot... your paid trash is getting old.
And your 99.5% who get covid recover without issues is a blatant lie.

Amongst all your other lies.

But you've known that all along. I wonder how much you get from your sponsors when anyone here accidentally or gets tricked into clicking your link like you've done a hundred times.