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05/29/21 12:09 PM

#49 RE: aljafy #48

Mid August.
If the shell looks like nothing is going on through the courts, you might want to not be holding shares. DE plays like this are a prime example. But I love the SS here.
Shells in Bankruptcy
Maybe ones with maxed out A/S

Most of synergies I’m willing to hold into the grey sheets if the float is low.
I spoke with Ben. An extra $10-25k is not bad for a good clean shell to clear delisting hell. It’s just an extra cost. No big deal.
But one with a blown multi Billion A/S, unpaid taxes, no T/A, unconverted debt? Toast till the end of time.

I think it will thin the pool of R/M players. Guys like Ben will rise to the top.
Good Shells will become even more valuable like IHAI types.

Delaware and Texas shells got me nervous.

And always remember this. A shell can not convert old toxic debt notes while under delinquency.
If a shell knee jerks to get off the greys, it opens up those one notes to legally be law. Those note holders can sue. Adds a long legal court drama.
It’s why is a good thing to have a shell today with the stop sign till the R/M goes through. Allow the New Co to bring it current.
Best to go back and read those old 10ks to get a hint of old unconverted debt. Those shells are as good as dead forever. And I mean the ones in the $300k+ and above notes. $10-20k notes can be negotiated with a level head.

Float # x Price is below $500k-$1mm I’ll hold past Aug 28th

This is what I’ve been stewing over.,
I like CERX’s last 8k after they dropped the Form 15. It looks like they washed the Company out with the second R/S. 5mm O/S is nothing. If you read the last 10Q it said “LIFE” owned 57% of the shares. Retail 43%
I’d assume that same 57% owns that portion of the 5mm OS today. Hell they voted for the storm 15 and R/S it’s probably who Ben is dealing with behind the scenes. Who are they? They probably have no clue who to bring one if these back to life and park a New Company story in it. All old Preferrd share warrant expired years ago.
Float must be around 2mm. WOW!

See, I’ll hold this one into the delisting limbo. No more than $2k of my money.,
It she runs hard between now snd Aug 15th, I’ll get some of my cash out. I’m definitely loading on the BID niw, flipping above 60% for free shares. But no volume and a 100% spread with no sign of news potential? I ain’t getting anything.
I’m not slapping with other Synergy plays popp’n every week.

This second guessing is part of the game.
To me it’s way more fun than casinos.,